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informatie over de levering
Sluitenontwerper | Studio Drift |
afmetingen | Dandelight: lengte:11 cm x hoogte: 18 cm x breedte: 5 cm, glass bell: breedte: 14,3 x hoogte: 25,5 cm |
materiaal | brons, elektronika, paardenbloemzaden |
bijzonderheden | inclusief 9V batterij |
geproduceerd in | Nederland |
Dandelions can be found almost everywhere on earth. They even bloom on the side of the most crowded highways. Most people pay no particular attention to these flowers; they are generally considered weeds. However, dandelions have historical value for their medicinal properties. And those who take the time to look closely at them will notice the inimitable aesthetic of the parachute ball.The Dandelight is beautiful in its simplicity. A copper stem connects the LED to a battery, which is visibly integrated into the design and not hidden as you often see. Each piece is handmade and therefore different.
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